How To Ensure Your Kids Get A Good Education When Living Abroad

You’ve decided to move abroad while your kids are young. This could be a temporary thing that’s come about from work obligations. We see it happen all the time - a parent gets a job overseas for a few years before returning home or moving elsewhere. Raising a child in a foreign country presents many challenges, the biggest one being their education. How do you ensure they learn at the correct level, especially in a country that might not speak English? 

Three possibilities present themselves: 

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Homeschool your children

Your first possibility is to take the responsibility on your shoulders. Homeschool your children and plan lessons for them to follow. The benefits of this are obvious: 

  • You tailor their education to their needs

  • You can move at your child’s pace

  • You’re in full control over everything

  • You can enjoy a more flexible education

The downsides of homeschooling are also fairly clear. Your child may miss out on the social aspect of school, not to mention the entire concept revolves around your ability to teach. Some people aren’t great teachers, and that’s fine - if you were, you’d probably pursue a career as a teacher! 

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Find an international school

The next option is to look for schools in the area for kids like yours. What we mean is a school dedicated to teaching children who come from other countries. Places like KIS International School can take on kids from families who’ve moved to a country and ensure they get an English-speaking education. 

The upside of this is plain for all to see; your child gets a proper education from real teachers and doesn’t have to worry about language barriers. They’re also put with other English-speaking students, meaning they can form friendships and have fun. The only downside is that these schools can cost a lot of money to enroll in, though it depends on the school and the country you’re in. 

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Get online tutoring

A third (and final) choice is to obtain online tutoring for your child. This is kind of like homeschooling in the sense that your child will learn from home. It can be just as flexible, the key difference is you won’t be teaching them. Therefore, it’s mainly an option for busy families. If neither parent has the time to homeschool - and if international schools aren’t viable options - online tutoring is the best solution. 

It also works as a good option if you’re not going to be in the country for long. E.g. you have to move overseas for contracted work that takes 6-12 months. Enrolling your child in an international school doesn’t make logistical sense, but you can’t let them take a few months away from education. Online tutors are readily available to fill in the gap here. 

We’re not in the position to say which of these options is the best way to educate your kids. That’s up to you; look at the benefits and drawbacks of all three possibilities to conclude which one makes the most sense in your situation. Regardless, they all ensure your child gets a good education while living abroad.

How to Get the Most Out of Your College Experience

Higher education is a great experience for a lot of people, but it’s easy to miss out on a lot. You might focus on the social side of college and end up falling behind on your studies, or you might end up with very little time to make friends with anyone. Here are a few tips to help you get more out of your time at college and set yourself up for adulthood.

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Funding College

Unfortunately, higher education isn’t cheap. Thankfully, you have a few financing options. 

If you’re able to get a scholarship, you can save a huge amount of money on higher education. You might still have to pay living expenses or part of your tuition fees depending on scholarship, but this is probably the best way to finance higher education.

Another option is to take out a student loan. Private student loans can cover anything from the tuition fees, the expenses, accommodation, and living expenses. If you can get a cosign or other financial help from your parents, you’ll be better off.

Finally, you can work part time through college. The downside of working too much is that it can interfere with your studies and your social life. But even if you don’t need to work, a part time job can help you build valuable skills and experience, while helping financially.

The Social Side of Things

Socializing in college is about more than just fun. Depending on your prospects, meeting people and making friends can help you later on in life. Make connections with your peers and other professionals as well.

This is all part of networking. Often, success in business comes from who you know, not what you know. If you meet more people and develop a good reputation, you’re one step closer to better job prospects after you leave.

Learning To Live

College is also a good opportunity to learn how to look after yourself and manage your finances. There are so many ways to spend money, but learning how to be thrifty will help you throughout your life.

Learn to cook so you don’t live on ready meals and takeout. Try to workout when you have the time, as this will keep your energy levels up. 

While the party lifestyle is a lot of fun, set limits and boundaries so you prioritize your studies. There’s nothing wrong with having fun and partying sometimes, but you don’t have to make every party.

Soft Skills

College is obviously a place to learn your chosen subject. As well as attending those classes and lectures and working for the most obviously relevant qualifications, look around for other classes and skills that you can learn.

These additional skills, sometimes called soft skills, help you to grow into a well-rounded person who can fit in any workplace. Whether you learn management and leadership skills, first aid skills, or basic computer literacy, they will come handy in so many situations. You might as well learn while you can.

The Skills That Can Make You A Valuable Hire Anywhere

If you’re looking to grow your career, then you’re going to want to spend time building up an unimpeachable resume. Working towards getting the experience you need, showcasing your education, and presenting yourself professionally are all vital, but many employers are going to see if you have the skills for the job, first and foremost. A lot of the necessary skills for any role are going to be job-specific, but there are some skills that can be a net gain no matter where you take them. Here, we’re going to look at some of those.

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Computer Skills

Proficiency in computer skills is fundamental in today’s job market. Whether it's basic tasks like word processing and spreadsheet management or more advanced functions such as database management, graphic design, or coding, strong computer skills are essential. Familiarity with essential software applications like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and industry-specific programs can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency. Advanced skills, such as proficiency in programming languages, understanding of operating systems, and knowledge of cybersecurity measures, can set you apart from other candidates. Employers value employees who can leverage technology to streamline processes, solve problems, and contribute to the company’s digital transformation initiatives. Being adept in computer skills ensures you can adapt to various tasks and stay competitive in a technologically driven job market.

Customer Service

Exceptional customer service skills are vital in almost every industry. This skill set involves understanding and meeting the needs of customers, handling inquiries and complaints effectively, and ensuring a positive experience for clients. Strong customer service skills include patience, empathy, communication, and problem-solving abilities. Employers value these skills because they directly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are crucial for business success. By demonstrating strong customer service skills, you show that you can maintain a professional demeanor, resolve conflicts amicably, and contribute to a positive reputation for the company. This ability to build and sustain customer relationships can significantly enhance your employability and career prospects.


Problem-solving skills are highly prized in the workplace because they enable employees to navigate challenges and find effective solutions. This skill involves critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to analyze situations objectively. Effective problem solvers can identify the root causes of issues, evaluate potential solutions, and implement the best course of action. Employers seek individuals who can think on their feet and address problems proactively, as this reduces downtime and improves overall efficiency. Strong problem-solving skills also indicate that you can work independently and take initiative, which are desirable traits in any role. By demonstrating your ability to solve problems effectively, you can show that you are an invaluable asset capable of contributing to the organization’s success.

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Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial communication skill that involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what is being said. This skill is essential for effective collaboration and building strong relationships within the workplace. Active listeners are able to understand and interpret messages accurately, which helps in preventing misunderstandings and resolving conflicts. Employers value active listening because it facilitates better teamwork, enhances customer service, and improves overall productivity. By mastering active listening, you can ensure that you understand the needs and concerns of colleagues and clients, which allows you to respond appropriately and build trust. This skill also enhances your ability to provide thoughtful and constructive feedback, making you a more effective and respected team member.

First Aid Training

First aid training is a critical skill that can significantly enhance your value as an employee. It equips you with the knowledge and ability to respond effectively in emergency situations, potentially saving lives and minimizing the severity of injuries. Finding training for first aid near you demonstrates a level of preparedness and responsibility that is highly regarded in any workplace. It shows that you can remain calm under pressure and take decisive action, which are qualities beneficial beyond emergency scenarios. Employers appreciate staff who can contribute to a safe work environment and provide immediate care when needed. Additionally, being trained in first aid can improve your confidence and leadership skills, making you a more versatile and reliable team member.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Teamwork and collaboration skills are indispensable in any work environment where collective effort is required to achieve goals. Being able to work well with others, share responsibilities, and contribute to group objectives is crucial for the success of any project. These skills involve effective communication, conflict resolution, and a willingness to support and motivate colleagues. Employers look for candidates who can seamlessly integrate into their teams, bring diverse perspectives, and help create a collaborative culture. Demonstrating strong teamwork and collaboration skills shows that you are capable of contributing to a cohesive and productive work environment, which can lead to higher performance and job satisfaction for all team members.

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Time Management

Time management is a critical skill that involves planning and organizing your tasks to maximize efficiency and productivity. Being able to prioritize tasks, set goals, and meet deadlines ensures that you can handle your workload effectively without becoming overwhelmed. Time management skills are essential for maintaining a balance between work responsibilities and personal life, reducing stress, and achieving long-term career goals. Employers highly value individuals who can manage their time well, as this leads to better project completion rates, higher quality of work, and overall organizational efficiency. By mastering time management, you demonstrate your ability to work independently, handle multiple tasks simultaneously, and deliver results consistently.


Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new conditions, learn new skills quickly, and thrive in dynamic environments. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing work landscape, being adaptable is a significant advantage. This skill involves being open to new ideas, embracing change positively, and being resilient in the face of challenges. Employers value adaptability because it ensures that you can keep up with industry trends, new technologies, and evolving business strategies. Demonstrating adaptability shows that you are a forward-thinking employee who can help the organization stay competitive and innovative. It also indicates that you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and take on new responsibilities, making you a versatile and valuable team member.

Technical Proficiency

Technical proficiency refers to your ability to understand and utilize specific tools, systems, and software relevant to your job role. This can range from basic computer skills to advanced knowledge in areas like data analysis, software development, or digital marketing. Having a high level of technical proficiency means that you can perform your job functions more efficiently and with greater accuracy. Employers highly value technical skills because they can lead to improved productivity, innovation, and competitive advantage. By staying updated with the latest technological advancements and continuously improving your technical skills, you can demonstrate your commitment to professional growth and your capability to contribute significantly to the organization’s success.


Leadership skills are essential for guiding teams, making strategic decisions, and driving projects to successful completion. Effective leaders inspire and motivate their team members, provide clear direction, and foster a positive work environment. Leadership involves strong communication, delegation, conflict resolution, and decision-making abilities. Employers seek individuals with leadership skills because they can help shape the company’s vision, manage resources efficiently, and achieve organizational goals. Even if you are not in a formal leadership position, demonstrating leadership qualities can set you apart as someone who takes initiative, supports colleagues, and contributes to a high-performance culture. Developing your leadership skills can enhance your career prospects and enable you to take on more significant responsibilities within the organization.

Having the skills above is not going to guarantee that you land any job. However, they can greatly increase your chances of getting hired, and make you an overall more valuable member of the team. Working to improve and learn skills also highlights to employers that you take your career seriously and are proactive, which are traits they typically look for.

How To Take Care Of Your Child’s Education If You Travel For Work

Traveling for work can be challenging, especially if your family travels around the world with you due to the nature of your job - when children are involved it gets tricky because they need to have an education, but if you’re going from place to place all the time, or even every few years, the consistency they need just won’t be there.

The good news is that you can do something about this, thanks in part to technology and in part to some great schools, so you don’t have to worry - as long as you do your research and come up with a plan that works for you and your children, you should be able to help them get ahead and ensure you’re still able to do your job. Read on to find out more about how it can be done. 

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Have A Consistent Routine

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to children, whether we’re talking about their education or any other aspect of their lives, is to give them a good and consistent routine - it’s what they thrive on. Children love to have regular routines, and if that can include their studies and school schedules, it’s really going to help them and you get the most out of their education and how you live your life. 

Some of the things you can do to help stay consistent and live within your routines are to use online calendars so everyone knows where everyone else is and what they’re meant to be doing, for example, and it’s also good to ensure you keep in touch with your child’s teachers so you’re completely up to date on where they are and what you need to help them with, if necessary. 

Use Online Learning Platforms

We’re so lucky that we live in an age where online learning isn’t just there, but it’s good. In the past, distance learning did exist, but it meant sending work through the post, so it took time and feedback came quite late - plus it just didn’t have the personal touch.

The good news is that things have definitely changed for the better, and remote schooling is seen as the norm for a lot of people. As long as you have an internet connection, your child can log on and learn just as they would at a traditional school, but they can do it no matter where they are. This means they get to keep the same teachers and groups of friends even if you’re moving around a lot, and that can be really helpful when it comes to their happiness and their academic success. 

Try Boarding School

Have you considered sending your child to boarding school? Although it might not be the first thing you think about, it’s actually a fantastic idea for some kids and their parents, and there are many different benefits to it, so it’s well worth considering. 

At a boarding school, your child will have even more consistency than they would if they learned online, plus they’ll be able to make friends in real life, and they’ll be able to take part in sports and after-school activities to expand their learning and make them happy and healthy. They’ll also get a wonderful sense fo belonging and community, and their social skills will definitely improve, giving them much more confidence, which is crucial for a positive future.

The Linguistic Canvas: Painting a Brighter Future Through Bilingualism

Imagine giving your kid a superpower. No, not flying or invisibility—something way cooler and definitely more practical. How about the power to chat up a storm in two languages? Yep, speaking a second language is the new superpower in our global village. But hold on, it’s not just about ordering croissants in perfect French. The perks of bilingualism stretch from boosting brain power to opening doors to awesome career paths. So, let’s bust some myths and dive into some pretty creative ways to get our kids jazzed about picking up another language.

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Unleashing Cognitive Superpowers

First up, brain benefits. Kids who tackle a second language are basically signing up for some major brain gymnastics. They get better at solving puzzles, dreaming up wild ideas, and remembering all sorts of stuff. Why? Learning another language is like a tough workout session for your brain, making it more nimble and strong. It’s not just a workout; it’s a brain party!

Cultural Bridges in Our Backyard

And it’s not all about the brain. It’s about the heart, too. Picking up another language helps kids get a peek into different worlds and lives. It’s like turning your backyard into a cool cultural festival, showing them life’s awesome diversity. Want to make it super fun? Throw a global dinner night or have a movie marathon in the language they’re learning. It’s about seeing the words come to life, surrounded by the music and dishes that make a culture tick.

A Tailored Learning Experience

Now, every kid is different, right? Some might dig apps; others might vibe better with a real person guiding them. That’s where bringing in English tutors can make all the difference. A tutor can tweak lessons to fit what your kiddo loves, making it stick way better. And hey, why not throw in some high-tech fun? Virtual reality trips to Tokyo or multiplayer games in Spanish? Yes, please! It makes learning feel more like playing.

Language as a Doorway to Opportunities

Think about the future for a second. Knowing another language? Big resume booster. It’s not just about jobs though—it’s about understanding the world better. From business to diplomacy, speaking multiple languages means you’re someone everyone wants to talk to. And that’s a pretty sweet deal.

Community Engagement: Beyond the Classroom

Let’s take it outside the classroom. Lots of places have cultural clubs or language meet-ups. It’s a chance for your kids to practice their new skills and make some friends who are just as excited about languages. These aren’t just chats; they’re real-life experiences that show your kids the practical side of what they’re learning. Festivals, language cafés, student exchanges—you name it, it’s all part of the adventure.


Getting our kids into learning a second language? It’s about way more than acing tests. It’s about crafting global citizens who thrive in a world that’s beautifully complex. With each new word they learn, they’re not just speaking—they’re connecting. And isn’t that what it’s all about? Giving them the tools to paint a big, bold, multilingual picture of their future. Let’s keep cheering them on—every little chat, every new word, it’s all adding up to something amazing.